Crystals – T


Stimulates the throat, third-eye and the crown chakras, allowing for communication and psychic power, allowing the user to adequately communicate visions.



A form of meteoric glass from outer space. Many believe that it is a piece of our moon or Mars. It has been esteemed in the Orient as a talisman of great power. It acts to balance the feminine and masculine properties of one’s character.



Has been used to promote contact with the ancient cultures of the East, bringing knowledge and information concerning healing and spirituality to the user. In addition, healing and meditation have both been enhanced. This crystal contains a very powerful “OM” vibration. When cleansed these crystals emanate the total spectrum of colour, and can be applied to all energy medians for stimulation and cleansing and can be used in the healing of all centres.



Brings together the vibrations of sand and sunlight – the energies of the sun and the earth, bringing stability with dynamic beauty. It is helpful for those seeking clarity or dealing with ‘details’. Used to enhance psychic abilities and attune third eye.



A combination of Tiger Eye, Jasper and Hematite. Used to assist creative endeavours, prompting artistic abilities. Helps one to find havens of refuge when danger is perceived.



Can be used to clear fogginess from the mental faculties. It stimulates reasoning abilities and alleviates superiority tendencies. Helpful to relationships and in promoting “new beginnings”.



Acts through the laws of attraction and manifestation. Topaz acts as a conductor of thought or desire, sending a message to the ethers. This mineral is the “crystal of potency”, instrumental in visualization (for healing/attracting), in meditation, and in projection.



Clears, maintains and stimulates each chakra of the body. Attracts inspiration and diminishes fear. Balances the male/female energies in the body, as well as the mind and chakras. A ‘teller’ stone providing insight to shaman.



Combines the qualities of quartz and tourmaline. Assists in releasing patterns destructive to one’s life. Gives one the strength to solve unhealthy relationships and situations.



Strengthens and aligns all chakras, meridians and subtle bodies. Brings communication to emotional issues, creativity and intuition. Protection during astral travel. Used for spiritual attunement, healing and cleansing the chakras and physical body.

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