Crystals – S


Can be used to rid one of unwanted thoughts and to bring joy and peace of mind via opening the mind to beauty and intuition. A ‘stone of prosperity’, sustaining the gifts of life, eliminating frustration and fulfilling dreams.



Used in Atlantis and Lemuria in healing ceremonies and were a symbol of the power of the realm; those who carried or wore a sceptre crystal were in the position of “high priest/priestess”. It is an excellent configuration for transmission of directional energy.



Can be used to open the network of information patterns to facilitate communication with other worlds, primarily the spiritual world; information has also been obtained from ancient civilizations and extra terrestrial worlds.



Provides clarity for the mind, expanding one’s awareness of the self. Can be used to access past-lives as well as future lives probable at this time. Assists in acquisitions for business and to promote justice in disputes.



A quartz crystal that has broken off its base and started re-growing from the broken end. It contains information on self-healing in its’ encoding.



Enhances the gift of speaking to an audience in an individualised, personalised manner and assists in maintaining a ‘non captive’ audience. It has been used to facilitate and enhance Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). It dispels curiosity in others and helps one to maintain anonymity with respect to finances, relationships and activities.



Useful in the rise of the kundahlini. It stimulates an opening in the pathway though which the kundahlini may travel by placing mineral on crown chakra. Can be used to clear cloudy chakras and enhance the meditative state.



Only found at the Narmada River high in the mountains of Mandhata, one of the 7 sacred holy places of pilgrimage in India. The stones are “Crypto Crystalline Quartz”, said to contain the loftiest vibration of all stones on Earth. They emanate a vibration that will purify your temple or home. The stone represents both the male energy of knowledge and the female energy of wisdom.



An excellent stone to use in the care of those confined, either to bed, to home, or to an otherwise confining environment. It helps both the one confined and the carer to cope with the situation. It can help in brightening ones day.



Provides energies of pleasantness, charm, kindliness and favourable outcomes. It can be used to activate each of the chakras, and can enhance physical energy when placed on the body. Strengthens psychic abilities.



Transforms negative emotions and energy patterns. Dissolves anger, resentment and emotional blockages. An excellent grounding stone, aids meditation and stimulates higher awareness. Provides protective barrier around wearer.



Assists rational mental processes and logical thinking. Excellent for groups, providing fellowship, solidarity and commonality of purpose. Encourages self-esteem, self-trust and trust in others. Allows one to verbalize their true feelings (place on throat).



Known as a “stone of immortality”, bringing freshness to all endeavours and initiating rejuvenation to that which is beginning to degrade. Red spinel can be used to provide strength, and to stimulate physical vitality, the base chakra and Kundalini.



(aka Fairy Quartz or Cactus Quartz) has a smooth head and crystals on the shaft. Mostly amethyst but also found in clear quartz. Excellent for meditation, it also enhances harmony and peace in groups, family and other environments. Very good in healing and spiritual issues.



A talisman of good luck. It is also called the “Fairy Stone” or “Fairy Cross” and is used in ceremonies of white magic and can facilitate the action of the rituals.



Helps to keep away the intrusive; used in meditation, it facilitates an undistracted entry to the meditative state; used to protect from entities, it enhances the energy field and acts as an impenetrable barrier around the physical body.



Was originally used in Atlantis and Lemuria in healing ceremonies and to stimulate recall of the “beginning”. This mineral stimulates the energy centre of the heart, adding energy to the quartz and filling one’s total person with the feeling of love. Note: this is a man-made version of the stone.


SUGILITE (Luvulite):

Represents the perfection of the spiritual love of “All That Is” and facilitates the manifestation of this energy on the Earth plane. It has been used in the treatment of all forms of “dis-ease” and attracts healing power. It has surfaced now to bring special healing powers to humanity.



Can be used to both clear and energise the chakras, giving a ‘squeaky-clean’ feeling. Assists removing ‘hook-ups’ to energy centres, returning them to source.



Assists one in the removal of negative wilfulness and in the elimination of distracting intellectual thoughts and emotions. It promotes an abundance of energy and flashes of inspiration.

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