Known as a ‘dream stone’ and ‘stone of fidelity’ . It improves ones’ remembering of dreams and assists in ‘dream solving’. Used to release suppressed emotions during dreamtime. Assists in accessing the spiritual world.
The ‘supreme nurturer’. Often worn by shaman for protection, it protects against negativity and helps one to be grounded to earth. Worn by priests and kings it assisted the ancients in safe astral travelling.
Jasper protects against negativity and helps one to be grounded to the stabilising energies of the earth. It balances the yin/yang energies and the subtle bodies.
Melody’s book gives no separate description for this variety of Jasper. It is a pretty, friendly stone which looks like a speckled egg. In my own use of it, I have found its’ energy to be joyful and attuned to the element of air.
Balances the yin / yang energies, aligns the chakras, and aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm. It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution.
Can be used to dispel fearful thoughts and can be used to protect against illness and violence. It also protects one during the pursuit of business and enhances the stability of ones finances. It awakens kundahlini and helps dispel depression.