Crystals – C


A ‘stone of ascension’, used by many during the myriad of planetary alignments, world meditations, and during the full and new moons, in order to increase spiritual awareness on all levels, to transfer healing energy to the Earth and to provide a loving and ethereal connection between all of the universe.



An energy amplifier and useful in multi-directional energy distribution. Calcite also helps the mind to remember information gathered during astral travelling and channelling, and the body to remember a natural state of flawlessness.



Stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. Protects against envy, fear, and rage, and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. Increases physical energy, personal power, creativity and compassion.



Used to stimulate the intuition, to instil second sight and to activate the channelling abilities. Excellent stone for psychic healing and to provide protection during same, such that the dis-ease will not have the ability to return.



A stone for balance, acting as an equilibrant to outside forces, stabilising the yin-yang values within one’s energy field. It is good for mental activities, and can provide fluency in communication.



Used as a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, promoting stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes. It is a stone to encourage “brotherhood” among all.



Can be used to help one find ‘lost objects’ – it often ‘disappears’ to accumulate information. Can be used to enhance one’s abilities of perception and to strengthen ones contact with the ancient cultures of the universe.



Is a stone for this age. It provides for a synthesis between the heart and crown chakras and combines the higher spiritual dimensions with unconditional love from the physical plane.


CHIASTOLITE (aka Cross Stone):

The “Cross Stone” in yesteryear was associated with deflection of the “evil eye”. It is now used as a sign of devotion, especially, devotion towards awareness, which can in itself dispel negativity.



A ‘stone of harmony and change’, encourages one to understand the correlation between the two. It enhances compatibility, is excellent for renewal of relationships, and helps one to progress toward unity.



Purifies the home and environment, promotes harmony, and can work to eliminate negativity from within a person. It imparts an energy conducive to stabilizing the home and re-building relationships.



Instils compassion and provides for non-judgemental attitudes, acceptance of others and self. It can reduce superiority or inferiority complexes and can confer fluency of speech with presence of mind.



The name is said to be derived from the Eastern Indian word for “dragons’ blood”. Known as the ‘merchants stone’… place in a cash box to produce more income. Excellent in extracting energy blockages, aligning energy centres and eliminating aggression.



One of two minerals on the planet which does not hold and accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it, working out problems in the physical and subtle levels. Assists in acquiring wealth and balancing chakras.



Same properties as above, but this citrine has not been heat treated to brighten the colour.



Enhances contact with the etheric bodies and stimulates the crown chakra towards spirituality. It can also create altered states of consciousness and can serve as a vehicle for both reaching and utilising the talents and abilities of the mind.



Reported to both absorb and transform negativity when worn, carried, taken as an elixir, or placed in ones environment. It can dispel fear of darkness and can bring hidden matters to the forefront.



Has been used to stimulate the third-eye and to initiate psychic power. It can assist in transforming conscious “dreams” into realities. Covellite acts as a mirror, showing one the defective reasoning which leads to problems.

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